Aquifer Characterization
Design and Installation of Groundwater Capture Systems
Stream Channel Characterization and Restoration
Open-Channel and Pressure Hydraulics
Flood Prediction and Routing
Water Quality and Flow Monitoring
Hydraulic Modeling and Structures Design
Basin Development and Conjunctive Use Management
Recharge Estimation in the Southwest US for Groundwater Flow Models
Hydrogeologic Mapping and Interpretation
Demographic Analysis for Prediction of Water Demand
Water Supply Characterization, Development and Conveyance Engineering
Environmental Characterization and Engineering
Non-Point Source Pollution/Total Maximum Daily Loading (TMDL) Assessment
Water Quality Monitoring, Data Review, and Data Management
Design, Installation and Sampling of Groundwater, Surface Water, and Air Monitoring Systems
Design, Implementation and Interpretation of Water, Soil, Air and Vegetation Characterization Programs under numerous regulatory frameworks (RCRA, CERCLA)
Feasibility Studies for Remediation and Reclamation
Environmental Engineering Studies
Remedial Design and Implementation
Environmental Impact Assessments
Remedial Process Optimization (RPO)
Surface and Underground Mine Water Management
>Hydrogeologic Support for Coal and Metal Mining Operations
Mine Closure and Reclamation Planning
Due Diligence Evaluations of Mining Properties
Acid Mine Drainage and Water Quality Issues
Slope Stability and Pit Inflow Analyses
Dewatering and Pit Progression Design
Mine Waste and Heap Leach
Numerical Applications and Computer Modeling
Flood Plain Modeling
Geochemical Modeling of Waste Rock Drainage and Water Quality
Ground-Water Flow and Solute Transport Modeling
Lake and Stream Geochemical Modeling
Surface- and Ground-Water Flow Modeling
Sediment Transport Modeling
Optimization of Well Fields for Water Production or Remediation
Monte Carlo Analyses
Statistical Parameter Estimation
Model Uncertainty Analysis
Model and Custom Code Development
Geostatistics and Probability Analyses
Regulatory or Litigation Support and Expert Testimony
Expert Witness Testimony/Litigation Support for Groundwater Contaminant Plumes, Mine Closure Bonding, Environmental Impacts
Permitting Discharge and Water-Rights Support
Water Augmentation Plans
Regulatory Compliance for Landfill, Impoundment, Mining, and Waste Storage Facilities
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