Mining Hydrology
- Hydrogeologic support for coal, metals, and uranium mining operations worldwide
- Water supply development and conveyance engineering
- Acid-mine drainage and water quality issues
- Slope stability and pit inflow analyses
- Geologic mapping, stratigraphic correlation, and structural interpretation
- Dewatering and pit progression design
- Mine waste and heap leach remediation
- Surface subsidence and aquifer collapse issues
- Reclamation and bond-release support
- Soils and vegetation geochemical sampling and analyses
Numerical Applications & Computer Modeling
- Ground-water flow modeling
- Geochemical modeling
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium solute transport modeling
- LNAPL and DNAPL transport modeling
- Monte Carlo analyses
- Statistical parameter estimation
- Model prediction uncertainty
- Model and custom code development
- Geostatistics and probability analyses
- GIS database management and programming
- Custom design of database systems
Environmental Studies
- Environmental risk assessments
- CERCLA litigation support
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
- Regulatory compliance for landfill, impoundment, and storage facility closure
- Water augmentation plans
- Environmental impact studies and assessments
- Wetlands evaluation and biochemical studies
- Inventory and classification of vegetation communities
- Archeological and socioeconomic surveys
- Aerial photographic surveys and LANDSAT image interpretation
- Vegetation mapping and ecosystem delineation
Contaminant Characterization & Aquifer Evaluation
- Aquifer characterization
- Geochemical studies
- Isotopic analyses and age dating
- Vadose zone monitoring
- CERCLA/RCRA/UST site investigations
- Ground-water, surface-water, air and soils sampling
- Design and management of field investigations
- Waste-water effluent monitoring
Surface-Water Hydrology
- Stream channel characterization
- Sediment transport modeling
- Flood routing
- Water quality and flow monitoring
- Open-channel and pressure hydraulics
- Hydraulic modeling and structures design
- Basin development and conjunctive use management
Environmental Engineering
- Landfill leachate removal and treatment systems
- Design of hydraulic containment and barriers
- Site-selection and feasibility studies
- Feasibility studies for bioremediation and bioreclamation
- Above ground and in-situ soil and ground-water treatment
- Subsidence potential/foundation and seepage analyses
- Design of pump/treat and injection/extraction installations
- Waste water treatment system design and installation
Instruction & Training
- Organic and inorganic analyses per U.S. and South American regulatory requirements
- Analyses of water, soil, and vegetation
- Column and humidity cell tests
- Aquatic toxicity testing
- Expert Witness
- Technical litigation support